Testing Guide

We can never have enough testing. Any additional tests you can write are always greatly appreciated.

Unit Tests

Testing new core features within GOTCHA should be implemented in the test/unit/gotcha_unit_tests.c using the check framework as defined in https://libcheck.github.io/check.

Create a new test

We can create a new test using START_TEST and END_TEST macros.


Create a new suite

These new tests can be added to new suite with code similar to the following. To add to existing suite, we need use tcase_add_test api to add the test function to the suite.

Suite* gotcha_sample_suite(){
  Suite* s = suite_create("Sample");
  TCase* sample_case = configured_case_create("Basic tests");
  tcase_add_test(sample_case, sample_test);
  suite_add_tcase(s, sample_case);
  return s;

Adding suite to runner

Within the main function of the test/unit/gotcha_unit_tests.c, the gotcha_sample_suite can be added as follows.

Suite* sample_suite = gotcha_sample_suite();
SRunner* sample_runner = srunner_create(sample_suite);
srunner_run_all(sample_suite, CK_NORMAL);
num_fails += srunner_ntests_failed(sample_suite);

Testing tool specific usage of GOTCHA

We should use custom test cases where we are testing the API for GOTCHA for specific features such as filtering libraries, main function bindings, etc. These test cases can be stored within the test folder. Look at existing examples such as test/stack and test/dlopen to understand how we can implement these tests.

Once you add a self containing test case within test, we can add it to the test/CMakeLists.txt.